Lord Byron
After reading about Lord Byron, it would seem that he definently enjoyed women. He started at a young age with a nurse. Byron, did not have an easy childhood his father left him and his mother penniless so he had to grow up early and deal with his mother who blamed him for his father leaving her. These insecurities might have been the reason that he had affairs with many women, seeking approval that his mother denied him of when he was younger. When he was given the title Lord after his Uncle died he sought approval from his mother then asking if there were any difference in him since the title of Lord was bestowed upon him. Maybe these are the reasons that Byron had many relationships with women, and it seems as if he loved the women easily and often, and allowed the relationships to affect his actions in life. Again, Byron's writing has the typical style of Romantic writings, describing man, nature, and life experiences. My favorite Byron poem is She Walks In Beauty. I like the simplicity of this poem. This poem just is about a man who sees a woman who he finds very attractive and breath taking.
" She walks in beauty, like the night/ Of cloudless climes and starry skies/ And all that's best of dark and bright"
Byron, did not know know her at first, but when he saw her he experienced something simple infactuation. I like this poem because the everyday person can relate to it. We have all seen someone at a party or at a gathering that we have been attracted to and felt a connection with even if nothing ever came of it.
"So soft, so calm, yet eloquent/ The smiles that win, the tints that glow,/A mind at peace with all below"
Byron's writing is easier to read than some of the others I have read thus far such as Williams.
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