Monday, July 03, 2006


The Industrial Age, marked the age of advances in technology which caused Britians wealth to increase significantly. There were consequences that came along with these technological advances, people lost jobs because the jobs were now being done at factories instead of at home. People had to leave their homes to find jobs. Although, Britian gained wealth it was not the poor who got the wealth it was the wealthier who got wealthier. Isn't this true to a certain extent today? The wealthier get wealthier? The factories that were now being used not only caused people to be out of jobs but also changed family life, the culture. Because people were employed at these factories, parents were no longer around to spend time with their children. Because people worked in the city, they wanted to live in the city causing it to be overcrowded.

"Factories, mills, and mines all employed women and children as cheap labor. They often worked grueling hours under appalling conditions, for wages that barely enabled them to subsist." (p.493). The Industrial Age may have allowed for Britian to be wealthier but it also resulted in the mistreatment of their citizens. They were making sacrifices and not reaping the benefits of it.

"Here one is really and truly in a district which is quite obviously given over entirely to the working classes, because even the shop keepers and publicans of Long Millgate make no effort to give their establishments a semblance of cleanliness" The morale of the people went down as a result of the Industrial Age, people no longer cared about the way their city looked, they no longer took pride in it, because of the conditions they were in. Because of the sacrifices they made during this time.


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