Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Robert Browning

Robert Browning, alas someone we have read thus far whose parents, or siblings did not die at a young age!!! Brownng used the poetic form of dramatic monologue. Browning began correspondence with Elizabeth Barrett. When they met they instantly fell in love and eloped. After he married her, his writing began to suffer because he wanted a name of his own, since he was referred to as Mrs. Browning's husband. I do not completely understand why that bothered him because the plays and poetry he wrote before he wrote anonomyously or under other assumed names. Maybe it was the male ego. It was not until she died that he began to write seriously again, and wrote a successful pieve of dramatic poetry.
Brownings Porhyria's Lover, was a rather interesting poem. I gathered from this poem that Porphyria's Lover, loved her so much that he granted her one wish to die.
Porphyria's love: she guessed not how
Her darling one wish would be heard.
And thus we sit together now

He was so in love with her that he granted her wish to die, it only took him an instant to debate whether or not to kill her

Made my hear swll, and still it grew
While I debated what to do.
That moment was mine, mine, fair

One would question if you really loved someone could you really kill them like that? I know I couldn't. I do not understand how you can kill the person you love, and watch them die by your own hand. One might say that the person who does that is crazy. But, then again it can be seen as when a person you love is in the hospital and they are on life support and they are brain dead whether or not to pull the plug. However, I still believe those are different circumstances, you have a living breathing person in front of you that you love and you are going to kill them, I do not think so.


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